Tuesday, August 25, 2009

I have 100,000 gold in my bank

And you can't have a single copper. Mine mine mine.

A weird combination of events led to some 7000g showing up in my mailbox last night. The least odd thing was that someone bought one of my Nobles Decks off of the AH. I think it was listed at 3700g; after the AH cut it was right around 3500, so maybe I put this one up for 3650? Hard to know.

The next strangest thing was that I listed seven Nobles cards individually, and four of them were purchased within 24 hours. One of them for over 800g!

But the weirdest thing was that evidently someone successfully reset the market for Arctic Fur. I bought in a while ago at 22g apiece and have been sitting forlornly for weeks looking at my three stacks of furs that were (to my knowledge) still selling for 17-18g. Checking in yesterday ... the lowest buyout on the AH was 60g! How did that happen!? Since I'm not raiding, I confess that I haven't kept up on Trial of the Crusader craftables, maybe there's a demand now because of those? Anyway, I unloaded the majority of my Arctic Furs at a profit of 30-35 gold apiece, and then I mailed off 5000g to my banker, who put my guild bank into the six-figure club.

An auspicious milestone for sure, but I'm still over 7300g away from the halfway point. Let's finish strong!

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