Saturday, August 8, 2009

Up over 65K (or: I LOVE PATCH 3.2)

I just deleted what was to be this post's original title: "I couldn't be happier with the results of this patch." That's just wrong; I could, of course, be happier about that. But as it stands, I'm pretty damn happy. In under six days I've added another 30,000 gold to my net worth, putting me a tad over 65,000 total. That means I'm more than a quarter of the way to my goal of hitting the gold cap. Exquisite!

I'm at work right now and I got here a bit later than I intended; someone pulled me into a PUG of the new five-man instance, Trial of the Champion, and while I was there the chest for my paladin dropped, which was excellent. Then my Northrend Inscription Research was up in 15 minutes so I spent some time doing a talent respec for the pally, and once again the RNG failed to give me the ability to make the Glyph of Obliterate. So I logged into my main banker to check how the Death Knight glyphs were doing and whether I should post some more before leaving (answer: yep!) and I noticed that the same person had purchased all of the titanium ore stacks that I'd put up for 330g. I whispered him to ask whether he wanted more at 325g a stack and he said yes. 21 stacks later I was looking at 6000g and depositing my riches in my guild bank! Worth the wait for sure, but now I'll probably be at work past 10. Them's the breaks.

I hope to make another 5000g tomorrow. Shouldn't be too tough; I've got a ton of herbs (at least 50 stacks) in my scribe's mailbox and, if I finish everything I need to tonight, I'll have basically the entire day to be logged in for undercutting purposes tomorrow while I take care of things around the house.

I hope 3.2 is filling your pockets! It's doing so beautifully for me!

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