Sunday, October 11, 2009

For the third time - 100K in the bank

Well, I've dropped another 5000 gold in my guild bank, bringing the total there to 100,000 once again. Hopefully this time such inspirations as "I should buy a chopper" and "a whole pile of epics to flip sounds like a good investment" won't hit me.

Speaking of those epics, I haven't listed a single one yet. The prices are still too low. Hopefully people start equipping these things and we can get on with the profit-making.

It's also become my sad duty to make sure that there is no profit in glyph-selling. I got sick of the constant undercutting wars yesterday so I set my undercut to 15g apiece. I don't want anyone making any gold off the damn things. Hopefully I can drive a few competitors away for a while. I certainly don't like having a new crew of numskulls taking profit from me.

Needless to say I've been much more vigilant about buying ore and doing blacksmithing. I've also made half my money back from buying the Spellpower enchant recipe (after four sales) so that's something I'm counting on from here on out. I've been doing the epic gem transmute on a daily basis and the gold is trickling in from that. Now I have to keep leveling my Saronite Shuffler in order to start realizing legitimate profits. He's 49 and looking forward to leveling through the worthless BC profession content. (Seriously, is there anything in JC or enchanting besides Mongoose that still sells? Worst set of skillups ever.)

If you total up all the gold that all of my characters have, I'm sitting right at 107,000 -- half of the cap. But it doesn't count till it's in the guild bank.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Current state of affairs

I don't have a good measure of how much gold I have on hand or what I'm making -- which is great, right? -- but I do know that I haven't made any new deposits into the guild bank lately. Inscription is back to a low point; we've gained a new competitor or two and I've gone to a bigger undercut/low threshold on my glyphs. My most consistent moneymaker is blacksmithing, believe it or not, as well as my epic gem transmutes.

I've leveled my JC and enchanting to the current cap of 300; this is good because I acquired the recipe for +30 spellpower to a weapon for 2000g. I've sold two scrolls for over 350g apiece, so I've recouped almost half of what I spent on this in under a week. I keep buying out all the golden pearls that turn up on the AH so that I can keep making these and eliminate competition as well. (Thus far I've seen one other person list this scroll.) I've also been hoarding righteous orbs in case another Crusader formula is listed on the AH; one was up last week with no buyout(!) and I lost it. The bids were only in the 30g range!

I've also invested in close to a dozen Tankards O' Terror. Each was purchased for under 1000g and will hopefully sell for north of 1500g. I'm waiting for a week for those that are currently on the AH to drop off and then I'll start listing at 2000g and see whether they sell.

I'm getting impatient! I want to have over 107,375g in the bank so I can officially consider myself half-capped! I guess I need to hustle on this JC/enchanting leveling.