Friday, August 14, 2009

Pushed past 80,000

The Lord loves a titanium hoarder. Sales of ore that I acquired pre-patch pushed me over the 80,000 mark yesterday. I only have 15-20 stacks left so that well will be drying up soon.

I did manage to level my enchant/JC alt to 30 yesterday. Small steps, yes, but steps FORWARD. That's the important thing.

The next benchmark I'll be looking at is 85,000 gold, but more importantly 85,900. Why? Because that number is almost exactly 40% of the gold cap. Can I get there this weekend? We shall see.

I spent 45 minutes crafting death knight glyphs this morning. Nine more classes to replenish. I haven't made glyphs in well over a week. My sales are going to take a dive if I don't do this soon.

To the next 5000 gold!

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