Sunday, June 27, 2010

Down to 140K gold

But now I've killed Algalon.

OK, so the nine people I hired to come with me killed Algalon and I lay dead on the floor for the last 70% of the fight.

Still ... 9000g well spent.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Update: the tally is in

And after moving my gold around I've got 144K in my dwarf's guild bank.

~70K to go before I reattain the gold cap. Piece of cake, right?

Monday, June 21, 2010

Back in the game.

I suppose it was inevitable. I've been combing the internet for Cataclysm leak information, and after stumbling upon some item stats, I've decided to get out of the gear grind on every toon I have save my main. Now, granted, my main is pretty nicely geared -- only 1 piece that's still iLvl 245 (a trinket, no less), and 4 pieces that are 251 -- but I still want to continue to do progression with him, which, of course, is dictated by the gearing process. Last weekend I got the crazy idea to get into a GDKP run on an alt -- my pally who I want to level with as prot -- and thank goodness I didn't, as every holy or prot drop would've been an upgrade for him, and by God I would've bid as such. However, visions of level 78 dungeon drops at item level 279 gave me pause, and I do so firmly declare: no gear grind for my four 80 alts. That means positively no using the dungeon finder to run random heroics in order to get one more piece upgraded to 245, no weaseling into GDKP runs to gear up an alt I won't play at all until the expansion drops (and who will then proceed to shard the gear I bought at a four-figure bounty as soon as a quest giver rewards him with a level 80 blue), no hunting down discounted Crusader Orbs or Primordial Saronites to get high-end pieces crafted.

In essence, my WoW goals until Cataclysm are simple:

1. Kill all the raid bosses I haven't dropped yet.
2. Make gold.

The boss kills are straightforward: Algalon, Sindragosa, and the Lich King himself. I don't really care about difficulty levels (I haven't done any Ulduar 25 hard modes, either of the incarnations of TotGC, and I'm not sure I'll have the patience to progress through ICC hard modes) but I do care about completing the content while it's relevant.

And making gold is self-evident. I want to get the achievement for Realm First for at least one of my professions so a huge outlay of gold will be necessary to snag all the inflated mats from the AH. And I want to turn my huge pile of gold into an even huger one come Cataclysm.

Right now I'm sitting on better than 140,000 gold. I'd like to be capped again when Cataclysm rolls around, if not more. I've started clearing out my vaults so that I can stockpile bolts of netherweave cloth and Ink of the Sea for the newly-announced "medium glyphs." I'm almost wholly relying upon enchanting, alchemy, and jewelcrafting to make a profit. I imagine I'll be up beyond 150K by the weekend and after that, who knows.

I think the gold cap by October should be easily achieved.