Thursday, August 13, 2009

Somewhere above 75,000 gold

... but still below 80,000. The competition has returned to the glyph market, and my profits are decreasing because I've been slow to craft replacement glyphs for those that I've sold. I thought I would do that last night, but I wound up running the regular and heroic dailies for emblems. (Only 27 to go till I can buy my tier chest!) I have also run out of savage and tempered saronite gear to sell, so I've crafted that and listed it. Hopefully I'll come home to find that all of that has sold.

I'm in the middle of a giant experiment at work, one which will require me to be in from 8 am till midnight tomorrow (on Friday! I know, right!?) but I'm planning to use that as an excuse to not come in at all on Saturday. Once I finish my exercise (a fifteen mile run, ugh) I plan to sit down and power that little shammy up to level 35 and with that, his enchanting and jewelcrafting to 300. That will be a gold (and time) sink, but the JC/DE combo is so potent that it's worth my time to invest in this toon and get him to max level so that I can reach the cap more quickly.

I know I say that every time, but this time I'm pretty close to believing it. Till then, it's strictly glyphs and blacksmithing.

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