Monday, August 10, 2009

Barely past the 70,000 gold mark

This morning's glyph sales just pushed me beyond the 70,000 gold mark. Well, pushed me beyond it again, I should say; I was there last night and decided it was the right time to level my alts' professions. My JC is only 26 so he's now maxed out for jewelcrafting and enchanting at 225 apiece. (Of course, this came with a bit of heartbreak, including buying several stacks of Heavy Stone off the AH at 9g a pop ... curse the marvelous bastard who wrung that gold out of me!)

With that in mind, I have a tough choice ahead of me: do I suck it up and level the DK to 65 so I can have a maxed-out alchemist? Power the little guy up from level 26 to 35 to reach the next tiers of JC and enchanting? Farm old-world herbs and thorium ore on my 80s so they can get there cheaply? Or chase gear upgrades with my two 80s in the Trial of the Champion (regular and heroic)? The latter option would be appealing, but I spent Sunday running that dungeon eight times. I looked at the loot table and there are five drops in there for my paladin: 4 for my retribution set, and one upgrade for holy. My first piece of loot dropped on run #7: my holy trinket. Exactly what I didn't want! I shouldn't complain though; my friend who came on his hunter got zero pieces of relevant loot. Zero. In eight runs.

On the other hand, 70,000 gold! 1600 more and I'm a third of the way home!

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