Sunday, September 27, 2009

Doing better than I thought: 100K in the bank again!

For whatever reason I thought that my goldmaking had really slowed down lately, but then I went back and read that just three weeks ago I only had 75,000g in the bank. Well, this afternoon, right before I left for work, I made the deposit that put my total back up to 100K. Considering there was nearly a full week where I only logged in at coffee shops, and another five days when I didn't log in at all, I guess I'm doing pretty well after all! With a couple of major things finally settling down in my life, I'll have a bit more time to focus on my in-game efforts; I'm set to be a force to reckon with!

The profits are coming from (1) glyphs, (2) blacksmithing, and (3) the daily epic gem transmute (still for over 100g profit, incidentally.) Leatherworking has been a complete wash; with the price of arctic furs, currently, the leg armors sell for a loss, so I've stopped making them. Blacksmithing would be even more profitable if I could convince this cadre of idiots to stop selling Eternal Belt Buckles at cost, but my plate armor and enchanting rods have been doing nicely. Now that Frozen Orbs have tanked, I'm considering making a couple epic off-hands from Inscription and selling them at a mere 100g profit (bottoming that market out and considering Snowfall Ink to be free).

I'm still unable to profit off of the "saronite shuffle" version of the JC/enchanting cash cow. I'm considering taking a harder look at the low-level dusts and seeing if I can't magic a bit of a profit out of that. The shammy is sitting at 37 and is currently meandering through Desolace (and not really looking forward to the upcoming Dustwallow/back to Stranglethorn/back to Tanaris sequence). I'm eagerly anticipating hitting 40 and dual-wielding (not to mention cruising around on my Hog!) but since professions are primarily what I'm about, the next tier of level seems ever so far away ... back to the grind, I suppose.

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