Sunday, September 6, 2009

Bringing my total down: 75K in the bank

After all that I posted this afternoon, I needed a bit of "therapy" via WoW to calm my day down and get refocused. That session ended up lasting 3 hours (thank you to the kind people at Caribou Coffee!) and included:
  • Glyph posting on all my alts. All told: 550 glyphs! I guess the undercutting has gone down a bit while I've been off; usually there are many sub-threshold offerings and as a result my glyphs don't post.
  • A bit of leveling on the DK. Went from 3% to 20% of the way to 68 in Netherstorm; too easy with a flying mount and two heirlooms! I shudder to think of how quickly the kills would come if the DK was wearing well-itemized plate shoulders and chest instead of the caster gear he has now. (I didn't want to farm more emblems to get him to 68! Sue me!)
  • Powerleveling leatherworking on the DK. His skill went from 0 to 231 today, then I ran into a bit of an issue with whether I was willing to purchase rugged leather at 1g per. I opted not to. In hindsight, that's really kind of a clumsy thing to do; one powerlevels a profession because one sees profit at the end of the tunnel, and a bit of additional cost shouldn't slow the process. (If it was 200g/stack instead of 20g, then yes, you wait. But hoping to find it for, say, 15g a stack next time you log in instead of 20g? That's a poor philosophy.)
  • Disenchanting every piece of skill-up leather gear made by the DK with the shammy. My bank is overflowing with various dusts; at some point I should re-read my enchanting power-leveling guide and figure out which dusts I should just be putting on the AH instantly.
  • And finally, I bought my little shammy his turning-40 present: an epic mount in the form of Mekgineer's Chopper. Yeah, possibly dumb, and yeah, it sets my earnings back and is a significant delay in my march toward the cap. But I knew I wanted one on a toon, and I knew I wanted the Traveler's Tundra Mammoth as well. But that mammoth is BoP and comes with significant discounts at exalted with the Kirin Tor, and I would never pay 20,000g for a vendor item that I could get for 16,000g instead. So I dropped 15K on the chopper. I was considering offering up "13,000 plus my titansteel, arctic fur, and cobalt" for a nice round 500g tip, but right now on my server the hog parts plus titansteel bars are over 14K combined. Essentially, this means that I was maybe looking at saving 200-300g when all was said and done, and since I can make that back by blacksmithing two Savage Cobalt Slicers, I figured screw it. So now my 31 shammy needs to ding 40 and I can haul ass around Dustwallow Marsh and Felwood with a questing partner in my sidecar.
I probably have 100,000 gold between all my characters but I only have 75,000 in my guild bank. And because of my lack of gold-making ability with my internet connection down, I think I'm fine with that. When I get my new computer built and my home re-wired, we're going to start the real moneymaking.

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