Sunday, January 24, 2010

190,000 gold in the bank

Creeping so, so slowly toward my goal of hitting the gold cap. I haven't done a good job of crafting lately -- haven't sold much gear from blacksmithing, haven't made many scrolls. The vast majority of my time in-game has been spent using the dungeon finder tool. I love it! I do the random daily heroic on my main (gotta get those 95 Frost emblems!) and I've also decided to level my priest and DK to 80 solely through instances. I am going to craft the cobalt tank set for the DK once he hits 70 (which will be after like 8 more quests in Borean Tundra -- amazing) and he will happily plunge through multiple runs of each Northrend dungeon. My priest just hit 40 and is healing his way to the level cap. I'm starting to get sick of running SM-Cathedral and Uldaman with him but those are the breaks. (I'd be even sicker of questing in Desolace and Felwood, so there is that to take into account.)

The other thing I've been doing is getting into GDKP runs. Runs of TOC25 take about an hour and a half and have been excellent for gearing up my main. He's in 2-piece Tier 9 gear now and has the remaining two Trophies to finish off the set. Also, Reign of the Unliving dropped off of Anub and, although I should've stopped bidding, I wound up spending nearly 13,000g on the damn thing. However, there's a silver lining here: I made almost all of that money back already. My entire outlay for the day was 14,000g for the trinket and the trophy, and then I bought three BOE pieces to sell off. I got 2500g back from the GDKP pool, taking my expenditures down to 11,500g. Then, within 24 hours, two of my BOEs sold, including the DPS cloak for over 11,000g. Profit on those two items combined turned out to be 11,000g. So if I can flip the last ring for more than a 500g profit I'll have my biggest moneymaker of the week being ... the very run that was supposed to take gold OUT of my pocket. I have to say, I love that. (As it stands I've got the ring listed at a 5500g profit so I'll actually be pretty unhappy if I have to keep cutting the price down till it's only 500g. Ha.)

24,749g to go! Let's get this done!

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