Friday, January 1, 2010

175K in the bank ... thank you Battered Hilt!

Well, I didn't hit the gold cap in 2009 like I thought I might, but I'll be pretty surprised if I don't do so before the end of the month. That is, of course, unless some major GDKP opportunities come along in January. In fact, I've banked over 50,000 gold in the last two weeks so we should be well beyond the cap in short order.

However, I have to thank the RNG for 12,000 of that gold. Yes, the famous Battered Hilt dropped in Heroic Halls of Reflection and I won the roll! What a beautiful thing. If I hadn't when hog-wild in a GDKP run a few weeks ago and purchased the dagger out of ToC25, I might have actually started the quest line to get Quel'Delar, but since it's only an upgrade up 6 iLvl points, all I saw were dollar signs. Luck was with me, and even though we wiped after it dropped (and the run wound up breaking up a couple wipes later) I was thrilled. I put it on the AH for 14,000 gold, and within half an hour someone was announcing "WTB Battered Hilt 12K" in Trade. Well, I couldn't pass that up, so I ate the deposit and made the handoff on the Ironforge bridge.

Other than that, it's been the usual ritual of buying saronite ore, smelting it, transmuting it to titanium, and profiting from those bars; transmuting and cutting meta and epic gems; and the occasional foray into blacksmithing for profit. Actually, Eternal Belt Buckles were miraculously selling for 40g or so a couple days ago, so I made a stack and turned a few hundred gold profit off those. I also moved two Tankards O' Terror at 1100g apiece somehow, so I only have five of those left. I've started firing up the glyph machine again, although I don't know what the hell is wrong with the glyph sellers on my server; I sold two glyphs for over 40g for the first time in months yesterday and now everything's back below 10g again. Whatever, for someone who still has stacks and stacks of herbs anything I sell feels like a profit now.

Oddly, my focus has now turned to Cataclysm. Yeah, we don't have a release date yet, but what I'm referring to is making sure that I'm putting myself in a position to maximizing profits when the expansion hits. That means that my two 80s won't be sufficient; in order to level my professions to the new maximum, I'll have to have everyone at 80 and ready to go in advance of the launch. Worse, the two toons I have sitting at 80 only have two crafting professions (inscription and blacksmithing) and also have herbalism and mining. Yuck! I'm not going to drop those because they're kind of a pain to level and farming mats while leveling in the new zones will beat paying inflated AH prices. My JC/Enchanter is 76 (halfway to 77) so that's not bad, but my DK with LW and Alchemy is 69 and my tailor is still down at 36! Thus, my new plan is to:

A) Level the shaman to 80. He's rockin' heirloom shoulders and chest, so his last few levels shouldn't be too arduous. Definitely doable within January even at a really slow pace. Plus, he's getting a bunch of experience from the jewelcrafting dailies (to give you an idea, he's halfway to 77 and only half-done with Dragonblight. That's a lot of extra XP from JC dailies!)

B) Then I'll pass off the heirlooms to the DK and he'll be in enhancement shaman mail through Northrend. Hopefully my fellow dungeon runners won't inspect me!

C) At the same time, I need to gather 40 Emblems of Heroism (remember those?) and buy the heirloom chest for my 36 priest and speed him through the content. I want to at least get him to the point where he can make netherweave bags -- I really think there are untold thousands to be made from selling bags once Cataclysm hits and everyone and his mom is creating a worgen on the Alliance side. Getting all the way to Frostweave capability would be great but I don't know how much tolerance I have for going through Outland again. The second profession the priest has is Enchanting, but since the shaman has that maxed out already, he'll be dropping it for Engineering. At that point I'll have all of the crafting professions covered. By leveling the DK to 80 and waiting on the priest, I'll be gambling that at least one of the other six professions will be more profitable than engineering or tailoring. I don't think that's too far-fetched.

I've decided that I only have the tolerance for gearing up one toon as a raider at a time. Through Naxx/OS/EoE this was my paladin, and he cleared up to Mimiron in Ulduar before my schedule became too ridiculous to raid. Then, when this patch hit, I picked up the warlock and never looked back. Because of the hours I spend goldmaking, any additional time in raids and chain heroics would be absurd. So the warlock will be the only one going on GDKP runs and spending gold in huge chunks (he dropped just under 3000g on Bejeweled Wizard's Bracers yesterday in fact.) So these level-capped 80s that I'm proposing to accumulate will be sitting there as professionbots, seeing no new content, getting no achievements, nothing. As a point of reference, by paladin's last achievement besides logging in during the 5th anniversary of the game came in early August. I have over 20 days /played on that toon. Kind of heartbreaking, isn't it?

Less than 40K to the cap! Don't stop me now!

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