Saturday, October 16, 2010

A great Glyphmas!

Just thrilling. The demand for glyphs was precisely what we all hoped it would be, and I swooped in and took advantage.

True to form, I didn't pull down as much gold as some of my compatriots whose exploits I've been following. Still, with 311,000 gold in my guild bank and a good number of glyphs remaining in my bags, I'm 66,000 gold ahead of where I was when the servers went down on Tuesday morning. 71,000, really, because I spent 4K on Master Flying and 1K regemming my warlock.

I know I'm out of some of the more popular glyphs, but it's all good. As soon as nothing's selling, I'll craft more. For now, I'm content to post, cancel, collect, and repost. I'm using a 1c undercut and posting 4 glyphs at a time, with (and this is the key to my success, I believe) a 27g threshold. The philosophy is that at some point enough of a given type of glyph will sell out sufficiently to allow me to list mine at 27g. So, I'm not even looking at what's selling or trying to buy out the few glyphs that are listed at 8g or 10g. I'm greedy, but not THAT greedy ;-)

Do I wish I'd hauled in more than 300K like some of the people on other servers? Do I wish that I'd realized that the Glyph of Mage Armor exists but can't be made and listed mine for 350g each? Do I wish I had prepared more and made 3 stacks of every type of glyph and had 10,000 inks left over? Most definitely. But I've done all of this while still maintaining my normal life and playstyle, so I'll take my 60K gold and live with it.

Hope your Glyphmas is still going strong!

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