Sunday, August 1, 2010

Shifting into gold-making mode

I made a deposit today that put my GB tally back up to 180,000 gold. Sadly I slacked a bit on getting in to work this morning so I had to skip the GDKP raid on our server -- but I've mostly talked myself out of the need for gear, and thus, spending gold on the acquisition of said gear. Sometimes the key to putting more gold in the bank is making sure you don't take any out.

If you look at my last few posts, what you'll realize is that this tally (180K) is exactly where I was two weeks ago. The reason for this is that I paid 20K to go along with a guild on their Lich King kill. We downed Sindragosa to get me to 11/12 in the Citadel, then went on for three(!) nights of wipes of various lengths to down Arthas. Finally, I wound up with my Kingslayer title (and an embarassingly small dps tally) and now I consider my "work" in WOTLK complete. Halion? Why bother? Who cares?

So, what to do now that I'm "done" with WOTLK? Why, go full-bore into gold-making mode. There are still plenty of people who aren't done; the Lich King hasn't fallen for everyone, there are Shadowmournes to be made, and there are even just people who haven't read about the massive gear and stats overhaul headed our way with the Cataclysm.

So, my in-game activities are generally focused on filling my bank vaults for Cataclysm. My general activity has consisted of doing the weekly raid quests for Frost emblems so I can buy Primordial Saronite and doing Wintergrasp for honor and the resultant epic gems. Other than that, it's buying mats and making cash. I can't keep Titansteel in stock, glyphs are moving well, and at some point I swear I'm going to figure out enchanting.

So, off to the Gold Cap again. We shall see it soon!

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