Friday, December 18, 2009

122,000 in the bank

Sales have been moving at a pretty nice pace lately. I haven't seen the same post-patch results as many other goldmakers but I'm not well-organized and I didn't do any preparation. My bad; epic gem prices are up 100g across the board. If I would've focused on that niche alone I'd be looking at thousands in profit. Still, the glut of new gear from instances of all sizes is causing enchants and gems to sell like crazy. I've taken advantage of the titanium transmute being taken off the cooldown and have been selling tons of converted saronite ore that way. I've also been buying cobalt ore at 25g a stack, making axes, DEing those, and selling that essences for about 19g per ... I'd love that to be higher but I'm not going to complain about turning a ~80% profit.

I have been burned on a few things; primary among these was a large purchase of abyss crystals that the RNG saw fit to turn into dust.

And let me just say that if I hadn't leveled JC and enchanting, I'd be bleeding gold right now. Glyphs are still in the basement; I do a QA post every couple days at random times, and I can't remember the last time one of them sold for more than 10 gold. I have held off completely on buying herbs, and in fact cleared the AH out of Frost Lotus even though my alchemist is transmute specced, making Flasks of Endless Rage for 60g lotus and effectively-free Lichbloom and selling them at 46g apiece. Nice profit there. I've even taken to buying out our resident idiot discounter's stock of flasks (he lists at 33g) and flipping them. He lists more, I buy em, mine sell, screw you.

One of my goals this weekend is to get serious about managing my enchanting scrolls. I have a couple hundred stacks of saronite ore to burn through and a bunch of recipes to buy from the shard trader. Hopefully I can find a way to soak up these piles and piles of cheap dust and turn them into heavy profits.

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